Awareness is the greatest agent for change

Alzheimer's Disease

2022-05-05 12:46:49

Alzheimer's disease is one of the most leading causes of dementia among the elderly people with main symptom being progressive memory loss and forgetfulness. A person with Alzheimer's has difficulty in remembering things. A person's thinking and reasoning skills are also gradually decreased.
Homoeopathic remedies are natural remedies that can help in slowing down further progression in disease. They mainly target at improving the memory of the person and in retaining the memory whatsoever is left.
they are also very effective in dealing with depression and emotional imbalance in the person suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
Homoeopathic remedies can be used along with other therapies to help improve the quality of life in Alzheimer's patients as far as possible.
Contact Renew Homoeopathic Consulting for an expert opinion.

Panic disorder

2021-07-08 16:24:08

It is a type of anxiety. It causes panic attacks, which are sudden feelings of terror when there is no real danger. You may feel as if you are losing control. You may also have physical symptoms, such as

Fast heartbeat
Chest or stomach pain
Breathing difficulty
Weakness or dizziness
Feeling hot or a cold chill
Tingly or numb hands

Panic attacks can happen anytime, anywhere, and without warning. You may live in fear of another attack and may avoid places where you have had an attack. For some people, fear takes over their lives and they cannot leave their homes.

Panic disorder is more common in women than men. It usually starts when people are young adults. Sometimes it starts when a person is under a lot of stress. An appropriate diet, a few changes in lifestyle, a change in thinking pattern and a tailor made homoeopathic remedy is the solution to Panic disorder.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

2021-07-08 16:23:14

One day a 14 year old boy came to my clinic with his parents with complaints of nausea and vomiting. There was no H/O eating outside food. When I looked at the boy I could sense that the reason for gastritis was something to do with the mental health as he appeared scared and shaky. I told him not to worry I shall help you out, I asked him his routine and he told me , "Madam I am in 10th std, I do not like going to school as my teachers shout at me and my classmates laugh at me. I am not able to complete my assignments in time. I keep re-writing or erasing what I have written, in order ,to write perfect and miss on scheduled submissions. I keep asking same questions again and again to the teacher and she gets annoyed, as the class gets disturbed. I am unable to stop myself from asking questions".

His projects would get excellent marks as they were neat and tidy. His handwriting were as if printed. He was perfect in his work. But the pressure of board exam bothered him. He had almost given up. Every morning he would vomit before going to school due to anxiety. He also revealed that he liked one of his classmates and wanted to express his feelings for her but his parents had told him studies first , he had not expressed his feelings to her and was upset regarding this. Parents would want to send him to school as exams were approaching. But little did they know that the child was suffering from OCD ( Obsessive compulsive disorder)

On talking to them further I realised he would talk of committing suicide as he was slow in completing his assignments.He would bang his legs in bed when asleep, would constantly keep his bedsheets tight, he was irritated with the tic tic sound of the clock, he would fill the water to the brim of the glass and drink water from the glass till the last drop. He had got convulsions due to the electrolyte imbalance. He would keep washing his hands. Parents were counselled. They had to change their approach towards him, teachers were told its OK if he gets less marks as his health is first priority.

He was put on Homoeopathic medications and called weekly. His nausea , vomiting and thoughts of suicide vanished in first week. Parents were very happy to see their child at ease, He was eating normally now. He would go to school and would not panic if his assignment was not completed. Further he was given achievable syllabus to prepare for boards on a daily basis. He was advised a balanced meal and good sleep. His Homoeopathic medicines continued. This boy secured 76% in his board exams. He is very confidant today and wants to become a scientist. I am sure by God’s grace he will be what he wants to be.


2021-07-08 16:22:20

The persistent feelings of sadness, worthlessness, hopelessness or pessimism; and feelings of guilt and helplessness , characterize depression. The mood disorder interferes with concentration, motivation, and many other aspects of everyday functioning.It may descend seemingly out of the blue. Or it may come on the heels of a defeat or personal loss. Depression is now the leading cause of disability.
Depression is a complex disorder, involving many systems of the body, including the immune system, either as cause or effect. It disrupts sleep and it interferes with appetite, in some cases causing weight loss, in others weight gain.

Depression is often accompanied by anxiety.
Depression susceptibility is also related to diet, both directly through inadequate consumption of nutrients such as omega-3 fats and indirectly, through the variety of bacteria that populate the gut. Of course, depression involves mood and thoughts as well as the body, and it causes pain for both those with the disorder and those who care about them.

Signs of Depression

Depression often involves persistent sad, anxious, or empty mood, feelings of hopelessness or pessimism, and feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness. It can also involve loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that were once enjoyed, including sex. Decreased energy, fatigue, or a sense of being "slowed down" are also common, as are restlessness, irritability, and difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions. Many with depression have thoughts of death or suicide .
People with depression may experience disturbance in sleep (insomnia, early morning awakening or oversleeping) and in eating behaviour (appetite changes, weight loss or gain).
Persistent physical symptoms may include headaches, digestive disorders and chronic pain.

Cause of Depression
There is no single known cause of depression. Rather, it likely results from a combination of genetic, biologic, environmental, and psychological factors. Major negative experience trauma, loss of a loved one, a difficult relationship, or any stressful situation that overwhelms the ability to cope may trigger a depressive episode. Subsequent depressive episodes may occur with or without an obvious trigger.

Depression is not an inherent consequence of negative life events. It is only when such events set in motion excessive rumination and negative thought patterns, especially about oneself, that mood enters a downward spiral.
Some types of depression tend to run in families, suggesting there may be some genetic vulnerability to the disorder.

Treatment at Renew Clinic

A detailed Personal history with the Past and Family history is taken.
If need be certain tests like BSL, TSH, Vitamin B12 , Haemogram etc are done.
H/O drugs and Alcohol is ruled out, any other habits are ruled out.
An individualised homoeopathic remedy, change in life style if required, an appropriate diet and psychotherapy is given to bring the patient back on the tracks of a beautiful life.
Psychotherapy addresses the thinking patterns that precipitate depression, and it prevents recurrence. Homoeopathic remedy is helpful in relieving symptoms, such as severe anxiety, so that people can engage in meaningful psychotherapy.

Children with learning problems

2021-07-08 16:15:04

If your child exhibits delays in reading, spelling, writing, maths, difficulty in comprehension and retention of material, or is simply a slow learner, read this article further.
You will witness concrete changes , if you take your child to a homoeopath. Your child will be assessed and appreciated as a whole person. eg, in addition to learning problems your child may suffer from recurrant coughs ,colds, gastric disturbances, anxiety. The beauty of homoeopathy is that all of these issues will be taken care of at the same time by a single homoeopathic medicine. With effective treatment, you will notice concrete changes such as

Improving grades.
Your child is more relaxed while learning.
He/She will no longer feel that school and homework are a struggle.
The teacher will notice a distinct change in your child's learning skills.
Aggressive behaviour exhibited due to learning frustation will improve remarkably
Handwriting will typically become legible.
Child will appear more confident and make more friends.
Child appears mature than before.
Your child enjoys other subjects which were not liked in the past.
In my clinical experience these changes begin to occur within one to four weeks after the homoeopathic medicine is taken. The improvement continues and builds over time.
One of greatest happiness is when a child who was previously studying in a special classroom is mainstreamed, or when a parent says now my child is able to enjoy school like any other child.There are similar kind of improvements in severe developmental delays, ADHD, Autism.
Be aware learning problems are chronic and not acute , they cannot be self treated. Put your child under the care of an experienced homoeopath who has a holistic approach and brings out the best in your child.

Selective Mutism

2021-07-08 16:10:26

Selective mutism is a childhood anxiety disorder characterized by a child's inability to speak and communicate effectively in social situations. Children with selective mutism do not initiate speech or respond reciprocally when spoken to by others in social settings. This can occur in settings that involve both children and adults.Children with selective mutism are able to communicate clearly and effectively in settings where they feel comfortable, secure, and calm. These children will speak at home in the presence of immediate family members or with close friends.Selective mutism usually begins before a child is five-years-old, but may not come to clinical attention until the child enters school, where there is an increase in social interactions and performance tasks. Children with selective mutism struggle with reading out loud, speaking in front of the class, or working in large groups.

Symptoms of Selective Mutism
1.Consistent failure to speak in specific social situations in which there is an expectation for speaking, despite speaking in other situations.
2.Interferes with educational or occupational achievement or with social communication.
3.Failure to speak is not due to lack of knowledge about or comfort with the spoken language.

Other symptoms include
1. Excessive shyness
2. Social isolation
3. Fear of embarrassment in front of group.
4. Clinging to care givers
5. Temper tantrums
6. Oppositional behaviour
7.Compulsive traits
8. Negativity.

Causes of Selective Mutism
Temperamental factors: Watch for behavioral inhibition, negative affect, and parental history of shyness, social isolation, and social anxiety. Children diagnosed with selective mutism might also have receptive language difficulties.
Environmental issues: Parents who exhibit social inhibition model the behavior for children. Overly controlling or overprotective behavior on the part of the parents can also be a risk.

Genetics: Due to the overlap with social anxiety, there might be a shared genetic component between the two disorders.
Selective mutism can result in the following functional impairments:
Academic problems: When kids with selective mutism fail to speak up about their struggles or lack of understanding in the classroom (or with homework), they can fall behind academically.

Social isolation: Kids with selective mutism struggle to engage in reciprocal social interactions in some situations, and this makes it difficult to make and maintain friends.
Low self-esteem
Social anxiety.
Treatment for Selective Mutism
Treatment involves combination of Psychotherapy and homoeopathic treatment which is tailor-made for every individual.
Although it might sometimes feel like the behavior of children with selective mutism is willful in nature, it is driven by anxiety. Early Homoeopathic treatment can help kids with selective mutism learn to speak up more frequently and improve their academic and social outcomes as a result.


2021-07-08 16:07:14

ASD Affects how people communicate and interact with others. It affects how they make sense of the world around them. Autism is a developmental condition that is typically life-long. People with ASD experience difficulties with communication, social interaction and restricted/repetitive interests and behaviors. These are often accompanied by sensory issues, such as over sensitivity or under sensitivity to sounds, smells or touch. All of these difficulties may lead to behavioral challenges in some individuals.

The term autism spectrum is used to emphasize that autism presents differently in every single person. People with autism have a wide range of challenges as well as abilities. Social communication and interaction. Difficulties with social-emotional reciprocity e.g. being unable to maintain normal back-and-forth conversations, having little or no interest in sharing interests and emotions (pointing or showing), displaying little or no interest in social interactions. Difficulties with non-verbal communication, e.g. abnormal eye contact, difficulties understanding and using gestures (such as nodding), body language and facial expressions. Difficulties in developing and maintaining relationships appropriate to age and development e.g. difficulties with imaginative play and making friends. Restricted and repetitive behaviors. Stereotyped or repetitive speech, movements or use of objects, such as lining up toys, flapping hands, toe walking or echolalia (repeating words or phrases).Inflexible adherence to routines, patterns or behavior (e.g. eating the same foods, travelling the same way to school etc.) and becoming distressed at changes. Sensory hyper or hypo-reactivity (e.g. to sounds, pain and textures) as described above. Restricted or fixated interests e.g. only playing with certain toys or discussing certain topics. Language delays are common with ASD, and many parents first present to a doctor with concerns that their child is not speaking. However, language delays can occur with other diagnoses and are not exclusive to autism. We can typically diagnose a child with classical Autism at about 2 years of age, when it becomes apparent they are not meeting their developmental milestones. Symptoms of autism, however, can sometimes be subtle , these may not become obvious until a child starts school or moves into adulthood .It is important to remember and respect that autism presents differently in different people .Often, co-diagnoses profoundly affect how a person with autism functions.

For example, a person who is diagnosed with both autism and an intellectual disability will typically have more severe symptoms and learning difficulties than a person with autism who has normal intelligence. Other common co-diagnoses that can affect how a person with autism functions include ADHD, language disorders and anxiety disorders. Autism is not a physical disability so people on the spectrum look no different to their peers. This can make it difficult for some people to understand why an autistic person might be behaving or reacting in a particular way .Many people on the autism spectrum are able to live completely in - dependently; others need support in almost all aspects of their daily life.
Let us all aim to see each person with autism for the person they are, and not for what we think their diagnosis means. At Renew Homoeopathic clinic there is no single remedy for an Autistic person. According to Homoeopathic principles and law, each person is unique/one size does not fit all. No two individuals are alike in health or in disease , an unique tailor-made remedy is selected to comfort the patient in all aspects of life.


Renew Homoeopathic Clinic, 513-Harmony Icon,Nr Bagban Party Plot.Hebatpur-Thaltej Road.On Zydus Hospital Road.


+91 (987) 958-7384